Looking for a physical therapist who understands your active lifestyle? Dr. Tyler Baca, DPT, uses strength and conditioning as a foundation to get you back to the activities you love the most.

1-On-1 Physical Therapy with a Doctor of Physical Therapy

What does the program look like? 

  1. I am going to listen to what the heck is going on! Injured or not, we will talk about what your sport or daily tasks look like. 

  2. We will make a list of what is painful/difficult and what is going well/strong.

  3. We will make a list of your goals and discuss how we are going to get you there. 

  4. We will use a variety of techniques to get you to your goal:

    1. Specific strength exercises

    2. Massage or cupping

    3. Modification of movement patterns in sport or daily life

  5. I will send you a Google Doc with a concise list of Exercise Primers that will cover what we went over in session.

  • Movement analysis

    Exercise prescription

    Soft tissue mobilization and massage


    Strength and conditioning coaching

  • Sport specific movement analysis

    Weightlifting movement analysis and correction

    Running assessment

    Goal setting and habit building

  • CrossFit



    Field Sports (i.e. soccer, football)